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     Home > Products > Polypropylene webbing
    Polypropylene anti-UV webbing Inquiry


    Polypropylene anti-UV ribbon: also known as anti-UV polypropylene, refers to its own UV damage ability of polypropylene or add anti-UV additives of polypropylene. Ultraviolet light will cause the decline of the strength of polypropylene fiber, in the production process to add anti-ultraviolet additives or light stabilizer, can improve its anti-ultraviolet characteristics.

    Polypropylene anti UV ribbon is mainly used for weaving outdoor articles such as awning, outdoor articles exposed to the sun for a long time, sports activities, fishing nets, container bags, geotextile, fishing line, sunshade, backpack and so on.

    Clicks:23895  Date:2024/1/11 【Print】 【Back  
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